Welcome to Hats Info. In many ways, hats are extraordinary. While they provide protection from the elements and are practical, hats are much more.

Hats and identity are closely linked. Cultural and hats are closely interwoven, from Mongolia’s makhlai cap to Texas’ cowboy hats.

People and celebrities are often defined partly by their hats. These are just a few stars who have worn hats: Indiana Jones, Heisenberg from Breaking Bad, Charlie Chaplin, and John Wayne.

History’s giants have used hats to set themselves apart. His bicorn hat can instantly identify Napoleon, and Abraham Lincoln is forever part of the fantastic story of the top hat.

Every style has a unique back story. Hats are never static.

I created this site for people who enjoy wearing hats,to give them more information about Hats.

Hats Info brings together the entire world of hats. It has everything you need, from fashion tips and style advice to the origin stories of the hats and the stories of the people who wore them.

Site and information are constantly changing. I welcome your suggestions, corrections, or stories.

Philip Treacy once said, “How a Hat Makes You Feel is What a Hat Is All About.” I hope you like your hats and find this site useful.

Fahad Ahmed Warsi

Happy to get in touch with you:
